Welcome to the Mothercraft! 

Thank you so much for visiting our website and coming to check out what we have to offer.

Seeing as you’re here, we thought we should tell you a little but about us so you know how awesome we are and why you should buy from us all the time – only kidding – kind of!!

We are a family run business – mainly a duo team consisting of mother and daughter – Lyn and Lisa – but we terrorise the husbands to be our postal boys a lot of the time so feel they should be given some credit! The other person you need to know about is the man of the hour George – the grandson/son in the equation and last but not least, the poochies – Elsa, Honey and Pepsi.

We are an absolute crazy family and all members (human or animal) seem to follow suit! The Mothercraft began when I was on maternity leave and needed something to keep me entertained whilst George was sleeping. We then fell down a black hole of crafting related gismos and gadgets and The Mothercraft was born.

So that’s us – in a nut shell – we’re crazy and passionate about what we do and want to make sure that you have the best experience when buying with us.

Lots of love

Lyn and Lisa XXX